Below is a list of artists whose work we have in inventory or have had in the past. Those not in stock are greyed out, but information on each artist is still available. Click on the underlined names to see a selection of their paintings, drawings and sculptures. If you are interested in selling work by these artists, see our Services section.
- Sears Gallagher (1869-1955)
- R. H. Ives Gammell (1893-1981)
- Daniel Garber (1880-1958)
- Isabella Stewart Gardner (1840-1924)
- Henry Martin Gasser (1909-1981)
- Ignaz Marcel Gaugengigl (1855-1932)
- William Gilbert Gaul (1855-1919)
- George H Gay (1858-1931)
- Winckworth Allan Gay (1821-1910)
- Samuel Lancaster Gerry (1813-1891)
- Charles Henry Gifford (1839-1904)
- Robert S. Gifford (1840-1905)
- Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823-1880)
- Bertha Walker Glass (1879-1971)
- Albert Gold (1916-2006)
- Arthur C. Goodwin (1864-1929)
- Robert Grady (20/21st Century)
- Donald C. Grant (1930-2001)
- Gordon Grant (1875-1962)
- James Jeffrey Grant (1883-1960)
- Abbott Fuller Graves (1859-1936)
- Jack Lorimer Gray (1927-1981)
- Ralph W. Gray (1880-1944)
- Charles Edwin Lewis Green (1844-1915)
- Jacob I. Greenleaf (1887-1968)
- June Grey
- Walter Griffin (1861-1935)
- Samuel W. Griggs (1827-1898)
- Edward T. Grigware (1889-1960)
- Maurice Grosser (1903-1986)
- Charles P. Gruppe (1860-1940)
- Emile Albert Gruppé (1896-1978)
- Jules Guérin (1866-1946)
- Christian Gullager (1759-1826)
- Ellen Day Hale (1855-1940)
- Lilian Westcott Hale (1880-1963)
- Philip Leslie Hale (1865-1931)
- Hendricks A. Hallett (1847-1921)
- William F. Halsall (1841-1919)
- Edward Wilbur Dean Hamilton (1864-1943)
- Chester Harding (1792-1866)
- Melbourne H. Hardwick (1857-1916)
- Anna Eliza Hardy (1839-1934)
- Charles Gordon Harris (1891-1963)
- Alexander Thomas Harrison (1853-1930)
- James McDougal Hart (1828-1901)
- William M. Hart (1823-1894)
- George Wainwright Harvey (1855-1930)
- Frederick Childe Hassam (1859-1935)
- Rufus Hathaway (1770-1822)
- Charles Webster Hawthorne (1872-1930)
- Liz Haywood-Sullivan
- Arthur M. Hazard (1872-1930)
- Mary Brewster Hazelton (1868-1953)
- Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904)
- Robert Henri (1865-1929)
- Henry Hensche (1899-1992)
- John Frederick Herring, Jr. (1815-1907)
- Samuel F. Hershey (1904-1987)
- Hermann Herzog (1832-1932)
- Aldro T. Hibbard (1886-1972)
- Howard Logan Hildebrandt (1872-1958)
- Edward Hill (1843-1923)
- Thomas Hill (1829-1908)
- Laura Coombs Hills (1859-1952)
- Thomas H. Hinckley (1813-1896)
- Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon (1830-1906)
- Arthur Hoeber (1854-1915)
- Winslow Homer (1836-1910)
- Charles Hopkinson (1869-1962)
- Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
- William S. Horton (1865-1936)
- Cindy House
- Felicie Waldo Howell (1897-1968)
- Samuel Adams Hudson (1813-circa 1894)
- Edgar Hunt (1876-1955)
- William Morris Hunt (1824-1879)
- Robert Douglas Hunter (1928-2014)
- Marion Huse (1896-1967)